
The Kalaram Mandir Movement
“I didn’t launch the temple entry movement because I wanted the Depressed Classes to become worshipers of idols which they were prevented from worshiping or

Cast(e)ing Friendship: Can Friendship Traverse Social Categories?
Anti-caste consciousness is a source of belonging and liberation, as people who are pushed into exclusion are able to find and assist each other. Illustration

Revisioning is a zine in which the writer uses the experience of systemic violence she faced as a young teacher in the field of higher

Butterflies near Burial Ground
Dreams and reality blur in this vividly nostalgic poem – as it weaves a tapestry of symbolic memories. The indomitable spirit of Chithrangi flashes in

Periyar and the Women’s Question
Thanthai Periyar’s revolutionary ideas forged the path for building the self-consciousness to attain equal freedoms and paved an equitable discourse towards social justice. Illustration by

Periyar and The Self Respect Movement
Periyar valued self respect as important as life and its protection a birthright, not swaraj. His movement changed the face of contemporary Tamil politics forever.

An Ossathi’s Daughter
There had been rumours spreading through the village in the last couple of days, and finally, there it was—an actual television set.

रिंकू की कविताएं
मैं एक लड़की, एक दुसाध-दलित लड़की, एक मध्यम वर्ग से आने वाली लड़की, जो घर को घर जैसा नहीं देखती, घर क्या है नही समझती,

Babasaheb and Fashion
Against the caste structure, Dr Ambedkar’s fashion and style overturns centuries long oppressive dictations about what Dalits can and cannot do. Illustration by Ajinkya Dekhane

Babasaheb and Education
Education was historically denied to Dalit communities for centuries. Babasaheb’s extraordinary accolades would go on to become a pride for his people. Illustration by Ajinkya

Dr Ambedkar History Month
Caste segregation and caste occupations meant Dalits would be forbidden from having the same privileges as Savarnas did. In ‘Waiting for a Visa’, Dr Ambedkar

The Mahad Satyagraha
For 96 years, the Mahad Satyagraha has represented a demand for the human rights of Dalits and the rejection of the caste system’s repressive impositions

Pappa Makes the Best Meen Curry
Pappa knows he makes the best food.
Because he enjoys his own cooking the most.
This you can tell from his afternoon nap that follows a hearty lunch that he prepared.

Why is Holika Dahan Celebrated?
The celebration of Holi is the celebration and legitimisation of the routine violence and caste atrocities against Dalit women. The fact that it continues nationwide

A Faith to Bite Into
My friend, Rev John Boopalan, a Dalit liberation theologian, told me that most Christians come to Ambedkar through Jesus. A fiery leader who sacrifices everything, life and death, for his people’s liberation. Not a comparison on a facetious level but for recognition like an arrow through the heart.

शहरी अभियान और सभ्यता का नाटक
पिछले दिनों
शहर के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में
पागल कुत्तों के झुंड ने
कई लोगों को काटा