The Kalaram Mandir Movement
“I didn’t launch the temple entry movement because I wanted the Depressed Classes to become worshipers of idols which they were prevented from worshiping or because I believed temple entry would make them equal members in and an integral part of the Hindu Society.” – Dr Ambedkar Illustration by Ajinkya Dekhane On this day
Debrahminising Gender
Our first issue (2022) investigates how caste and gender produce and sustain each other, and centers the work of queer, trans, non-binary people and women from marginalised caste and tribal communities.
Round two of applications is open till October 15, 2022.

रिंकू की कविताएं
मैं एक लड़की, एक दुसाध-दलित लड़की, एक मध्यम वर्ग से आने वाली लड़की, जो घर को घर जैसा नहीं देखती, घर क्या है नही समझती,

Babasaheb and Fashion
Against the caste structure, Dr Ambedkar’s fashion and style overturns centuries long oppressive dictations about what Dalits can and cannot do. Illustration by Ajinkya Dekhane

Babasaheb and Education
Education was historically denied to Dalit communities for centuries. Babasaheb’s extraordinary accolades would go on to become a pride for his people. Illustration by Ajinkya