


Caste Hindu Nationalism and Trans Citizenship

It is the marginalized millions within the given nation-state that challenge its imposed uniformity & enforced uniform nationalism by asserting the right to touch, to see & be seen, to voice out & be heard beyond the negligible that’s sanctioned.

Debrahminising Gender

Wretched Man

On the road,
there was a wretched man,
a man who was wretched,
who was lying in the middle of the road

Debrahminising Gender

The Meeting Under The Banyan Tree: A Short Memoir

As a ‘first generation’ Dalit, I tried to share my confusion about my ‘Dalit-hood’ with fellow ‘assertive’ anti-caste people but it was counterintuitive. They could not process why a person born in a Dalit family should be asking if she is ‘Dalit-enough’

Debrahminising Gender

Dalit Queer people in Non Profit: Decoding Posturing and Praxis

This is an opportunity for nonprofit organizations, specially organsations that are urban, led by dominant caste and/or cis-het leaders, to trust what we say, listen to us with compassion, and strengthen the commitments that they have.

Debrahminising Gender

Tampered Spatial Anxieties

In the brahmin household, I followed her into the kitchen for a glass of water before I was asked to confirm my purity.

Debrahminising Gender

If the Princess Had Lived

There had been rumours spreading through the village in the last couple of days, and finally, there it was—an actual television set.



Had I known love only in its form of making four walls and eight corners of the world, I would have felt a warmth instead of tasting so much gutter in that song.


The Story of Maveli

Maveli is an important symbol of the rejection of brahmanism by the avarna peoples, and is a marker of the dissonance that underlies Hindu myths.


Who Were Our Deities?

Bahujan deities around the subcontinent did not concern themselves with the ideas of sacredness, nor with notions of purity. Nature was central to Bahujan spirituality.


Who Were The Asuras

In so many ways, the history of asuras and rakshasas is a history of marginalised castes and tribes, one that was grotesquely misrepresented by brahmins.